Dieases chicken Bitter Bile can cure.
Dieases Animal Bitter Bile can cure.1. Jaundice2. Stomach Ulcers3. Acid Reflux4. Liver Diseases5. Gallstones6. Digestive Disorders7. Pancreatic Disorders8. Bile Duct Infections9. High Cholesterol
Dieases Ukwa (breadfruit) can treat:
Ukwa Dieases Ukwa (breadfruit) can treat:1. Diabetes2. Hypertension 3. Heart Diseases 4. Asthma 5. Skin Infections 6. Rheumatism 7. High Blood Pressure 8. Obesity 9. Inflammatory Conditions 10. Digestive...
Dieases Ukpaka (African oil bean seed) can treat.
Medical Conditions Ukpaka (African Oil Bean Seed) May Address: 1. Constipation2. Diabetes3. Anaemia4. High Blood Pressure5. Obesity6. Heart Conditions7. Digestive Disorders8. Insomnia9. Nutritional Deficiencies10....
Dieases water from a banana stem can treat:
Banana stem Health Benefits of Drinking Water from a Banana Stem: Treatment for Kidney Stones Reduction in Hyperacidity Alleviation of Urinary Tract Infections Regulation of Blood Pressure Aiding in Detoxification...
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