what happens when you die? When you die, you have choices. You don’t know this, but you have choices. When you leave your physical body, it is very typical for you to see yourself standing next to your body with either your loved ones or EMTs or whatever the circumstances are. And you see yourself and then you’ll hear a voice. You’ll see the tunnel of light and the voice will be calling you or you will hear the voice telepathically telling you to come up, come. Now, as you stand there and you’re looking at the tunnel of light, you have a choice. You can go up to this tunnel of light where you’ll be with other loved ones that have crossed over usually, all right? And you’ll be put into a system where you are essentially caught in a reincarnational cycle, a loop. Or you can turn around, put the tunnel of light behind you and what you will see is the entire universe.
If you choose to go to the universe instead of the tunnel of light, whatever dimension you came from when you came down here to earth, okay, we’ll keep it all present, time and place. Earth, whether it was 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th density, whatever it was, if you choose the universe and you say to yourself, I wish to go home, you will return to that dimension from which you came. So if it’s 5, 6, 7 or 8, you will leave here and you will go back to that dimension where I am told you’ll be reunited with your soulmate because we’re multidimensional, we’re in many places at once. I’ve never shared this information with anyone. He says, I heard that when we die, we should not go to the light as it is a trick to recapture our soul to rebirth on earth. Is that true? That’s what I was told. Mount Vesaias was very specific. He said, you of course can choose to do whatever you want but none of you ever turn around and look what’s behind you. And when I asked, well what is behind me? He said, freedom. Freedom of earth, freedom of the reincarnation cycle.